Sunday, January 31, 2016

Redone 'Antique' Radio

Before Photos: 

Brown Layer:

Gold Layer:

White (Chalkpaint) Layer: I had to do 3-4 coats of white for the gold to not show through.

After more distressing with sandpaper, adding a sealer  (every 20 minutes for a total of 4 coats), and painting the knobs:

For the chalk paint I just used Plaster of Paris, mix in a little warm water and add the paint. I used the recommended 1/4 Plaster of Paris 3/4 paint combo at first and then I just guessed it out for the rest and both turned out. For all of the paint I just used 4oz acrylic paint.

Here's a video of it playing:

Old Sled Redone for Chirstmas

Before and After

Sled Before Pics

After painting the wood green.

After painting the rails red, all finished!

This one was pretty easy besides taping. We sanded the wood and used a wire brush on the metal to get the rust off and just used Rustoleum spray paint from Home Depot and put on 2-3 coats of each.

Things I would do differently next time:
Just unscrew the frame so there is no need for taping and the process would be way faster.